retained placenta (during labor) question


I had to be induced early for my first due to cholestastis. After giving birth my placenta would not come out with all the tricks in the book. It had almost been a half an hour when they tried to follow the umbilical cord up and like rip it out. The umbilical cord had snapped and they needed to call a special person in to remove it by hand (yes that actually happens). This lady was elbow deep into my uterus multiple times removing chunks of the placenta. It was excruciating. Anyway.. I can't remember too much about those days because that had caused me to lose a lot of blood and I was a mess. I thought I remembered the midwife saying that because it happened once it's more likely to happen again. I was hoping someone could give me insight on this? Has this ever happened to you? If so did they say exactly why? Did you experience it for other births? Please give me your experiences!! I haven't had my first prenatal appointment for my new pregnancy where ill ask these questions there too