Best friend VS boyfriend


So I have two guy best friends- josh and Alex

Josh and I habe been best friends fir lole a year plus and Alex I only met this year but we have been close for months and we face time for hours every night

I kinda had a thing with josh because we both liked each other at one point but it never went anywhere and we jsut stayed best friends

I have been getting closer to Alex and I think I am developing feelings for him and I’ve been told by many people (and I get a sense) that he likes me too (also whenever we are in face time his whole family makes girlfriend comments to me and say how much they like me and that we should get married, and Alex tells me when his mom says things like- y don’t you just ask her out etc) so those things are kinda interesting to me and why else would he tell me what his mom says if he didn’t want it to be true..?

But there is an issue- josh isn’t the biggest fan of Alex and I realized it’s because he’s kinda jealous of Alex fir a few reasons 1- it means I don’t really like josh anymore so his possible chance with me has passed (wether he wanted a relationship or not) 2- I I get a boyfriend the chances of me and josh staying really close goes down, and he doesn’t want to lose me which I understand. I feel that if anything happens with me and alex I’ll lose josh and I don’t want to lose him so I don’t know what to do..? Help pls