Preparing to BF before baby


Hello ladies. I am currently 35 weeks with my 4th blessing and planning to exclusively bf realisticly for the first 6 months (a year is my goal). with my first born I was young and never attempted nursing her, I did however with my 2nd and 3rd, but not successfully. My 2nd I nursed for the first 3 weeks, but I was never able to produce enough milk to exclusively bf, also I was very under educated on nursing or any types of assitance so I supplemented and he in turn preferred the bottle and formula over me. I had the best luck with my 3rd rugrat who came out almost 10 lbs and was born to eat. We made it 2 months exclusively nursing. However I still was suffering with a low supply no matter how much I nursed or pumped with him. Again I was in a situation where I was mostly just winging it and didn't have much education. I wasn't aware of supplements or anything that comes along with that. So I guess what I'm trying to get at here is Help! If any of you have any tips or words to live by, please help a momma out. I am under the impression that I have a naturally low supply, and would like to have a bit of a stockpile worked up for when I return to work. Is there anything I can do or take before baby comes to help boost my supply? I am determined to go 6 months with this little one even if it kills me 😉. Thanks in advance for your help!