No period and BFN

I have a pretty consistent cycle. It’s 28-32 days! The last time I had a long one it was 34 days and we were traveling and that was back in August of last year. We have been ttc and I just had a feeling this was our month and when my period didn’t come I tested on Day 32, since it was technically late and it was a BFN! I got so sad. I literally kept checking to make sure there was no faint line. There was nothing. My period still isn’t here and it is CD 33. My period actually hasn’t been longer than 30 days since the 34 day cycle in August. Is it still possible to get a BFP? I’m sorry ladies I’m just getting so anxious. I keep telling my SO “I still think I have a chance of being pregnant” I might just be driving myself to feel things but I keep having cramps. Had a migraine on CD 30 and I never get those before my cycle starts. Also my lower abdomen feels really hard. And my breasts feel more sore than usual. I’ve been super tired too. I took two naps and I’m never a napper. Oh and the number one weird symptom, tmi, lots and lots of watery/creamy cm. Like it runs down my leg when I get undressed(eww gross sorry) I’ve never had that before. The test I took was an 88 cent one from Walmart also!