Membrane Sweep

Mama Bear

First pregnancy I had mine done at 40 weeks. My girl was born 41+1 so it didn’t work.

This pregnancy I was hopeful and gave it another shot at 39 weeks + 2

It hurt so bad I had to tell her to stop. She didn’t think it was a successful sweep so I left a bit disappointed. She said I was 1/2 cm dilated and 25% effaced.

My husband and I had sex that night to see if it would help and afterward it appeared I was losing my mucus plug and had brown discharge throughout the weekend. I’ve also been feeling more BH contractions but nothing really close together.

She told me to come back in today if I wanted another sweep but I seriously just didn’t want to. It hurt and I don’t see the point.

What I want to know though is why she scheduled my induction for 41 weeks?

I would think my due date (40 weeks) would be when it should be scheduled which is in two days. Any guesses?