Bo Werner is finally here🎉

Rainee • Wife & mama

Born Feb 13 @ 4:04pm

Weighed 7lb 9oz

21 3/4" long

Original due date was Feb 5, he was a stubborn little guy and refused to come out. I was induced at 41wk 1day, my original plan was the foley balloon but apparently they couldn't get it in. So we then decided the do cervadil since my cervix was not softened on the inside. They inserted it at 4am and the plan was to leave it for 12 hrs, remove it at 4pm give me a chance to eat then start pitocin. HA! Well the cervadil did the trick, I was 3cm at 1pm and asked for pain meds via iv. Got those napped a little and when those wore off about an hour and half later I had asked to get my epidural. Well the anesthesiologist was in my room shortly after and they checked me before he started to insert it and I was a 5. Well between the 30 min it took for him to get set up and insert everything I started having really intense contractions....I had went from 5cm to 8cm!!!! Baby's heart rate had started to drop and they started flipping me to stabilize him. So once baby was ok they finished taping my epidural down. Not even 15 min later my waters broke, legs were tingling but still had feeling and I was getting prepped for delivery! THANK GOD for that epidural kicking in shortly after because I had to have a forcep assisted birth and by the time they reached the point of inserting the forceps it had kicked in fully! Side note: My poor hubby was holding my leg and watching with horror and the moment they pulled out the forceps he leaned forward to my face and kept repeating "just don't look babe, that's gnarly, just don't look".😂😂 But I damn near had an all natural birth 🤣 I had some slight tearing, but thank goodness it wasn't as bad as I had anticipated. Now I have a beautiful baby boy, healing has been going well so far, my boy is breast feeding like a champ (but HOLY HELL does it hurt to start out). And that is my crazy birth story😂 Here's some baby spam for everyone, congrats to all the Feb mommies who have delivered already and good luck to all who have yet to! It's totally worth every second and y'all are fully capable of it💪🏼