Postpartum depression?


I'm 6 weeks pp and i think i might have postpartum depression. I have constant mood swings where one day i'm fine and the next day i feel like im in this black hole, missing my old life, i don't feel a connection with my baby ( i love him with all my heart but i just dont feel that connection a mom should feel with her baby) and that makes me feel like im a horrible mother, im constantly crying, i feel helpless, i have horrible anxiety, especially at night. At first i thought it was because i was sleep deprived but its more than that. Being a mom is so hard! I knew it was going to be hard but i was not prepared for this. I feel like i was not meant to be a mom. I keep telling myself it will get better it will get easier but i just don't see the light at the end of the tunnel. I feel like i fear my baby, im afraid of being alone with him. I hate feeling like this, i want to snap out of it but i can't, at least not completely. 2 days ago i was balling my eyes out and then the following days i've been fine and now i'm starting to feel myselfnin that hole again.

I will definitely be talking to my doctor about all of this but just wanted to vent a little. And if anyone else is going through this or has gone through this. What helped you feel better? Any advice is greatly appreciated.