latching problem

Cheyann💕 • 01/14/2018💙 03/13/2021🩷 11/10/2022🩷 11/30/2023❓

my dog chewed all my flanges and back flow protectors to my brest pump and I'm unable to pump and my son has horrible laching problems he was amazing st latching then with him having to stay in the hospital for a week after birth and them giving him bottles he kinda gave up on latching and the breast in general I just recently got nipple shields and he's still just like ehh iont want it and isn't a fan of formula at all I ran out of all the frozen breast milk I had this morning and he's no choice but to take formula or latch he'll latch for maybe 5 minutes if I'm lucky then unlatches gets to moving his head and won't take the breast anymore then I make him a bottle of formula and he really just drinks till he's full or spits it out any ways I can get him to latching at a complete stand still until I can get the parts for my pump should have them by next week😑🙄