Should I test??

My period is 4 days late and it usually lasts about 3 sometimes 4 days. The last time I had in protected sex was in January and December and I had my period in January but it was 6 days late and kinda light. I’ve had some cramping and tender boobs but idk if these are signs of pregnancy or just my period. I’ve been having WEIRD discharge w/ a really chemical-metallic smell to it. My moms a surgical technician and says it may be bacterial Vaginosis.

I usually don’t “feel” hungry but the past few days it’s a disturbing ache when I get hungry. I’ve been out of town at a mud ride (yee-yee I know😂) but a friend of mine’s four wheeler belt started smelling really bad and usually burning rubber doesn’t bother me but today it made me feel sick. Idk if I should test or not....

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