Ttc number 2..


So bit of a long post.. does anyone have a child from a previous relationship. I do and she is 3. She is my complete world, intelligent, loud and vibrant. She is truly amazing. Anyway I am in a new relationship. My partner has raised her since she was one, she calls him by name. Her dad isn’t around this is where things aren’t so great.. she wasn’t planned I fell pregnant on the depo (slightly annoying as now I’m struggling to conceive) but obviously went ahead with the pregnancy. Her biological dad has many many issues. I fought through court to keep us safe right up until last August it took years and it was honestly a battle I thought I would never win. Social services and a judge decided the threat to both of us was too high and enforced a no contact order until she is 18. It was a relief..but also so sad. I had a dream last I know it’s just a dream but I guess it will come up.. where is her daddy, why can new baby if it ever happens 😂 call my partner daddy but she can’t. I’m so so worried.. we have been through a hell of a lot and my daughter gave me the strength to keep fighting but it was so tough... anyone got any ideas on what I can say to her. I don’t want to hurt her. Even though we are ttc, she has done more for me than she will ever know.