Is this a bad response?

So, I’ve always sent my boyfriend sexy pictures every now and then because why not? He use to love them and have the best responses and make me feel so sexy and I loved it because duh who wouldn’t! He use to ask for them and say lovely things. The picture sending calmed down as we got in a longer relationship which fair enough. He doesn’t really ask for them anymore and his responses aren’t really that good anymore. However, I sent him one tonight to try and be nice and give him treat! It was a good one too! Like a bit more racy than usual! But he replies with ‘Hahhaahahah, You’re the weirdest person ever. But I luv it.’

Ummmm??? Idk if its just me but I felt pretty stupid after that? Weird? For sending that? Am I overreacting or is this just a bad response from him. Because it definitely didn’t feel appreciated whatsoever. :( Or make me feel sexy.

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