AF came last night

Lindsay • New Mama to baby Parker ❤🦄

I cried myself to sleep last night while my hubby slept soundly. I feel like such a failure as a woman. I'm 34 - ill be 35 on March 20 and I feel like I waited too long but I wasn't ready. I needed to ensure i was with the right person. the man I almost married I couldn't picture myself with for the rest of my life but with my current SO is different. Now i can't picture a future without him. He's 26 and normally I wouldnt of dated someone so much younger than me but boy did he pursue me to the death until I finally gave in and went on our first date- That was the best decision of my life. He is ready to settle down and start a family& now that I'm ready my body isn't cooperating-8 mths of continuous disappointment&my; fear that I could be broken. He's incredibly supportive- tells me that everything will work out, when my body is ready it will happen&that; he'll do whatever it takes/costs to fulfil my dream of being a mother. He never seems disappointed when I'm like "ugh just got my period" but I feel like I'm dying inside. sorry for such a pity party post but this is really the only place I feel like someone may know how I feel- it's a bit difficult to talk about this with your friends who have kids or didn't want any until one day SURPRISE and then there's me 😣