Failed Gender Reveal

So on Friday night my parents came to visit for the weekend, my bf and I found out gender on Wednesday, but he wanted to do a reveal with all of our parents. So we all went to dinner on Friday night , we got cupcakes made for the reveal and when they all bit into them and my mom said PINK it’s a girl and was all happy and my bfs mom said oh a girl, I don’t like girls I was team boy and I wanted 5 boys myself. The rest of the dinner she was quiet and cold to everyone. It really hurt my feelings that she would act that way. I talked to my bf about it that night and he defended her saying she wanted a boy and she has feelings too. To me if you are a 50 year old grandma you don’t act like that even if you were disappointed. Now I can’t get over it and I am avoiding her because everything she says or does now is annoying to me. Anyone else have a failed gender reveal ?

PS me and my bf are over the moon excited about a baby girl, he has a son from his ex wife so we were hoping for a girl 💕