Christian With Thong?


Hi!!! Does this belong in CC? Should I move it to the religion/spirituality group? Just let me know if I'm in the wrong group & which group I should move to.

Anyways, I'm considering purchasing some thongs. Not to wear every day (because they can be bad for the health!) but only on special occasions. It will take care of my "visible panty line" issues (people shouldn't be looking down there anyways, but I'm super insecure about it now thanks to my mom). Thong>VPL.

Only one issue: I'm a Christian!!

Thongs are usually associated with sex and low rise jeans. I'm not doing anything sexual except after marriage, with the man I love, and I don't even wear low rise jeans.

Given this context, is it acceptable for a Christian woman to wear a thong?

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