Woohoo birth story!


On Saturday 2-17-18 at 40 weeks and 2 days me and my husband decided to go to the hospital because little one hadn’t moved much that day. Of course the second we got into the heart monitor she starts kicking and moving like no other. Go figure. They monitor us for a few hours and get an ultrasound just to be sure. During the ultra sounds around 9.30 my contractions start to pick up again (I’d been in early labor for three weeks that had just been worse since due date when they did a sweep and a stretch). Everything came back normal and I hadn’t progressed so they went ahead and sent us home. We made it about half way and decided to turn around because the pain was way to much. We get back and I had gone from a three to a six in an hour so they kept us. I was crying for the epidural. I have endometriosis and had problems with it even threw out my pregnancy, I have a high pain tolerance but let me tell you those contractions were coming fast and hard. Half hour later I got the epidural after having a dose of morphine and having a reaction 😑. The second that epidural was in I felt great! And at that point I was at an 8. By 2 I was at a nine so in a matter of four and a half hours I was almost done... I surprisingly quit dilating. From 2 am till 9.30 am nothing had changed and the night nurse didn’t want to break my water because it was so close to shift change. Morning nurse comes in and breaks my water, still no progress after about an hour so they put me on pitocin until I was a 10 at about 10 am. At that point my contractions couldn’t be picked up on the monitor so they took my epidural button away and just left the drip on so I could feel my contractions since the machine didn’t like the shape of my uterus. Started to push about 10:40 once they figured out my contractions and baby Elimine was out at 11.23. They were shocked she came out so fast for being a FTM. The ring of fire is real ladies. Everything except my right leg had regained feeling at that point and my god did that suck but she’s absolutely perfect and eats like a hog already.