Please help!!!


Ok ladies so i am currently 7 weeks pregnant with what will be my rainbow baby!! Two weeks ago i went to the ER for really bad cramping and i was told i might misscarry because my hormes were not going up the way they should well i got let go they just told me to follow up with my ob witch i did but my ob was bussy the day of my appointment so she disnt see me well saturday morning i started spotting and yesterday it got more like a light period i went into the ER again and was told my bany is fine but i have all the signs of a miscarriage well today the bleeding is getting worse am so scared i know i need to go to the ER but am scared of going by myself again and going through the pain by myself my hubby is at work and my mom is watching my daughter my sisters have kids of their own so nobody can go with me!!!💔💔💔😭😭😭😭