Should I ask my sons father to sign his right away

My son is going to be 2 in two weeks, he hasn’t seen him since he was a month old. It’s sad. I haven’t gotten child support, or plan to. He’s not on the birth certificate either.

He verbally abused me while I was pregnant, and he’s just super aggressive from what I can remember and I really don’t want that around my son until he’s changed. I tried co-parenting in October thinking he changed, but he got super immature about it. I wanted to take it step by step to get him comfortable with them, they both wanted him to stay over night right away. They refused to completely understand.

His father even tried getting him to contribute into his life but refused. It’s sad, and all I wanted to do was the best for him.

I’m not entirely sure if he has rights or not. It’s frustrating trying to make someone contribute into their childs life when they don’t want anything to do with them. I’ve never asked him for anything, nothing. I wish he would grow up, and try. He’s missing out, and it breaks my heart.