Annoyed with my step kids mom


I know there’s really not much I can do I just need to vent.

My husband has twin six years olds with a woman he had a very brief fling with while in the army. She got pregnant after lying and she telling him she had the implant. They only hung out for a couple weeks before he found out she was actually married to another soldier that lived on the same base. He had been away on a 90 day deployment. She found out she was pregnant after my husband had cut off contact with her. This is all important to know because she is just an awful human. She already had two kids with two other men when they met as well. From the beginning she has made it as difficult as possible for him to be their dad. He had to take her to court for paternity rights and again for partial custody. For the first few years of their life he paid her over 800 a month in child support and also gave her money any time she asked. At one point he gave her access to his credit card to pay some of their medical bills and she used it to buy hundreds of dollars worth of make up and clothes for herself. She’s just horrible.

Two years ago we moved to another state and she quit letting him have visitation. He hasn’t been working since 2014 when he left the army because he’s been in school. So he doesn’t have an income to take child support from, but was sending her a few thousand dollars every semester from some of his grant money. She agreed to report this money to the court but never actually has so he stopped sending it. Because of this she doesn’t feel he should get to spend time with his kids. And since we’re so far from them it’s been really hard to do anything about it.

He and I just had a baby in December and she reached out to me after hearing about it. I was trying to be civil with her since our kids are siblings and it’s important to me that they have a relationship. Things were going good and I told her we’d be coming to visit them over summer so they can meet their sister. That’s when she told me they’re going to be spending most of their summer with her mom (not even sure if this is her biological mom) out of state. It took everything in me not to go off on her after that. According to their custody agreement summers are supposed to be spent with their dad and we are finally in a position to have them here with us. Plus he hasn’t seen them in two years! But she thinks it’s more important that they spend time with their grandmother? I was fuming. I managed to keep it together and tell her that we’d really like to have them stay with us for a few weeks during the summer and she didn’t even say anything to that.

I’m so furious with this woman and the way she treats my husband. He’s a great dad and he loves his kids more than anything. He wasn’t able to hire a lawyer due to financial issues but hopefully that will be happening soon. I just wish she’d put her kids first and realize how important it is that they know their dad. It breaks my heart.