feeling defeated


I recently turned 36 and my husband will be 30 in May and we have been together for 6 years. Over the course of the last 1.5 years, since our wedding, my need/want for a child has significantly increased. He says he wants a child but I don't feel like he fully gets that there are many things working against me as I get older. He says "I know" when it's brought up but it doesnt seem to change. I have an underactive thyroid, my uterus is slightly tilted and like I said, Im 36. TTC is going to be somewhat difficult for us. We aren't actively TTC but we aren't preventing pregnancy either. Over the last few months I have really started to keep track of my cycle, so ovulation testing (he knows) and still no success. I have gone month after month after month without any luck. Are there other women that feel defeated, like I do? What are some things you find helpful to cope? This seems to be in the forefront of my mind at all times. Any suggestion is appreciated.