Undecided??? 9 weeks pregnant

I can't seem to make a final decision if I want an abortion or not. When I first found out I was pregnant I initially was leaning towards getting an abortion but now Im not so sure...this would be my 5th baby. I have a 10yr old, 7yr old, 3 yr old, and a 1yr old. I was in a very long abusive relationship that ended back in September. I left with nothing and moved back to a different city with mom... During this time I was seeing a different guy. Things were good between us but we would argue a lot because of my ex, so we agreed to just remain close friends...Then I found out I was pregnant. When I told him he was ok with it and assumed that I was keeping the baby. I told him I was considering gettin an abortion. He was kinda disappointed but said he would support me no matter what. He even said that he would take care of the baby by himself if i wanted him to...RN I don't have a permanent place to live, a car, or a job. I'm starting completely over from scratch. He tells me that he loves me and I'm in love with him and this baby. Whatever decision I make is permanent and I don't want to regret it. We both really want this baby but is it the best choice for us is hard to decide... also, we still aren't in a committed relationship and we both live in different cities now.