Ready to give up.


I’m ready to throw in the towel. I just turned 37 and I know that my time for conceiving are getting shorter and shorter. My husband and I have been TTC for a while now. I have PCOS and Crohn’s disease which makes things a little

more difficult with TTC. I’m tired of getting BFN and I just want to quit. I’ve been on leteozole, clomid, estradiol and dexamethasone. I had a scan and nothing happened on leteozole and clomid together then my doctor put me on more clomid for 5 more days. When I went back for a scan I had 4 follicles that were ready and two that were just under being ready. She gave me the trigger shot that day and we were to baby dance that night and again the next day as long as it was before 930pm. I prayed that this time it would happen because I know I’m getting older. I spotted some on Saturday. I was to start my cycle yesterday and it didn’t happen so this morning I took a test since it was a day late and I get a BFN. I don’t know how to tell my husband I want to stop because I know it will hurt him seeing as we have no children. I’m just tired of feeling like I’m letting him down not being able to give him a complete family I’m letting myself down too and it hurts.

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Posted at
Try a non digital, the digital tests take more hcg to show positive.


Posted at
I have PCOS as well, have you tried Metformin? I now ovulate on my own and have regular periods. It is suppose to fix the hormone issues that is caused by PCOS allowing you to ovulate and have regular periods. Also, has your husband had a sperm analysis done? We have found out my husbands sperm count is low and we started seeing a fertility specialist. We have started on multiple supplements to help with hormone balance and increase sperm count. Just make sure they are doing everything for you that they can. Fight for your fertility!


Ronitra • Feb 20, 2018
I am on metformin as well and yes he’s had a sperm analysts done and his count is good.


Posted at
Test with a first response test. You need more hormone to trigger a digital positive


Amanda • Feb 20, 2018
Keep me updated dear. Good luck


Ronitra • Feb 20, 2018
I’ll try that tomorrow thanks


Posted at
Baby dust to you.. prayers coming your way. I know with Chrons it can be tricky too. My husband has UC and had his entire colon removed in July- currently has an ileostomy so that’s always been a concern of ours now that we are ttc #2... prayers sent your way!!! God is good


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Ronitra • Feb 21, 2018
Took this and same thing. 4 days late and sadder than before