Ended a relationship

So, there was this friend of mine, we have know each other for almost 7 years, but last year, he came over to my place after we met to have dinner at a restaurant. When we were at mine, one thing led to another, we started making out but didn’t have sex, because I didn’t want to, as that was our first ever time we were intimate. Then, I felt bad the morning after, because he was with someone else at that time, though she had gone abroad for work at that time. Seriously, I didn’t think any of this would happen when I agreed to meet up, and only really met up because he said he had a meeting near where I live. so anyway, then we didn’t see each other for year after that, in this time he’d broken up with this girl who he was with when we met last time, and kept trying to message me, of which most was ignored by me or was replied to with short answers, I didn’t want to make the same mistake. Then, one day I started responding to his message after he wished for my bday, and we decided to meet up again, this time we had consented sex, and I started thinking about where our relationship was going... in the process, catching feelings for him. Then, Last week we made out in my car... in between these episodes, we never openly discussed about where our relationship was going or what it is that we had. So, i thought about and decided to end it, and messaged him that I didn’t want to do this anymore. He never replied to that message, then I messaged again saying how offended I was that he hadn’t replied to my last message, for which he replied saying that he will call later, which was supposed to be this evening (UK). But it past midnight here now, and he never did call. I am heart broken by his actions, and feeling that I can never let anyone else is, I am not usually a person for casual sex, and i catch feelings when I see even slightest care from someone & I’m a loyal person in a relationship. This is breaking my heart. I don’t know what do. I know I don’t want to keep making excuses for him.. and defo don’t want to put up/deal with this emotional roller coaster which i’m in, right now. I’m just very confused, heart broken and emotional right now. Am I too old school for catching feelings after 3 intimate times? Was breaking up this (unhealthy) relationship the right call? what would I do if he gets back to me after today with excuses?