Was going for a baseline...

🤷🏻‍♀️ • 👦🏻👦🏻👼🏻👧🏻👼🏻🤰🏻

Well crud... I miscarried at the end of January (doc confirmed hcg was down to 3) but I never retested. I ovulated last week (wed/Thursday ish) and we BD’d.

Today I got the bright idea to take a test to make sure nothing shows up so I’ll know it’s not leftover hormones when I really start testing at the end of this week/early next week, so I was essentially expecting a clear negative, but it came out as a vvvfl (hard to see in the pic, but there’s definitely something there).

I thought the smallest amount FRER could detect was 6.5, so if I was down to 3 with the MC is it possible that this is a new line ~5dpo?

Anyone else have weird results after MC?