opinions please!!


Okay, so I am 17 and in my senior year about to graduate highschool in May...

I’ve been with my boyfriend who is now 20 for almost three years (we broke up for a short while within this time).

We have been sexually active almost the whole time we’ve been together.

Our form of birth control we use is family planning and condoms... (we will sometimes go without condoms after ovulation), it has worked amazingly for us and we have had a couple scares before from forgetting to use a condom. This past month we didn’t forget at all, we were really good about remembering... but I’m wondering if i ovulated later than I thought? Or maybe I ovulated a second time?

I’m normally always on time for my period and everything and it’s very, very rare I’m ever late...

I’m now only three days late but I haven’t had any of the symptoms I get before I get my period (I can always tell when my period is coming no matter what).

The thought of me being pregnant has been in the back of my head since I missed my period and one random thing was that I had a dream I was pregnant the day before I missed my period...

My boyfriend and I are on good terms but our relationship has been a little rocky recently, mainly with stress from our jobs and school... he knows my period is late but I don’t know that he is that worried at the moment or really thinking about it... (he probably is but idk lmao)

I’m wondering if you guys think I should go ahead and buy a test just to see? Although I’m afraid that will cause a lot of unnecessary drama?...

Or if I should wait a couple more days to see if I get my period?


So I have proceeded to take 2 pregnancy tests, one on day three of being late, it was a clear blue test (it was a BFN) and then again last night....

last night I took a CVS early pregnancy test the one with the lines like this (|) (|) if you’re pregnant and then ( ) (|) if you aren’t... well instead I got (—) (|)... which I’m not sure what that means??

I am now 6 days late and still no sign of my period...