Struggling and hurt


I’m going to make this a quick one as I don’t want to drone on but recently, I lost my virginity.

I lost my virginity to somebody who I really liked. It’s been quite a stressful time for me (I don’t want to go into it however, as my previous post explained my worries in detail) and the least I expected was for this person whom I did have sex with to abandon me and not speak to me since intercourse. A lot of my friends told me that this guy took advantage: I was drunk and I let it happen to me, I’m still not sure now, sober, whether I wanted it to. I’ve had to deal with the consequences on my own - an appointment at the sexual health clinic, EllaOne and a pregnancy/STI test in three weeks time. I don’t particularly know the point in this post, I just feel abandoned and very hurt. I’m not quite sure how to cope at the moment.. I think about him all the time and feel disgusted in myself that I let this happen.