Baby blues..

Ashley • 02/09/18 Matteo, 01/24/19 Sage

My husband is in the military and was away my entire pregnancy. I had to be induced February 8th because of Preeclampsia, my husband missed the birth and could only come down for 10 days (I’m staying with family for financial reasons until March 24th). When my husband was here it was hard but got easier to care for my son because he was here to constantly help. He’s been gone now 3 days and I’ve sunk into such a huge hole. I don’t even want to care for my son most nights because I’m so exhausted and upset. I feel alone most of the time, I don’t get to here from my husband. I miss him so dearly. Is it normal to want nothing to do with my own child? Obviously I love him, but I want to be with my husband, I don’t want to do this on my own anymore, it’s so hard on me and I suffer from a history of bad depression and anxiety. I feel so overwhelmed..