Starting solids/purees at 4 months

Jesse • 2 years trying, first IVF cycle success now raising a wild little gypsy 🌸 follow my instagram - spiltmilkmum😊 and my blog for all the parenting &!IVF truths I have to offer

Hi everyone!!

My darling Ellie May is formula fed and starting to drop her 10pm bottle.... she's on a schedule of 6am, 10am, 2pm, 6pm and 10pm with 180ml per feed but over the last 2 weeks she has started dropping the last feed and most days only has 30-50ml or so then still sleeps through until 6am. So my question is, can I start her on some rice cereal and purees now? And if so, how do I do it? I'm a bit clueless being a first time mum ☺️
