Rich and famous chiddler fiddlers.

Xig • In the honourable words of Howard Moon - "I`m the fighter, you little tit-box."

R Kelly illegally married Aaliyah when she was 15. He’s peed on a 14 year old girl. Has been caught with pornographic images of young girls. He ‘keeps’ girls in some sort of sexual, abusive cult. He’s just a dirty, messed up, old man. He’s never been convicted and is annoyingly rich and successful.

Status and riches seem to allow disgusting people to get away with nasty stuff. There’s (questionably)* been insufficient evidence for R Kelly’s conviction, as I’m guessing is the case for most similar scenarios.

So should a persons right to fame be removed from them, when so many significant allegations are made against them? What can or should be done about people like him?

*Questionably, because in the video where he was peeing on a kid, a man apparently came in at one point and actually said his name. They still couldn’t prove it was him.. 🤔