I don't understand how people can forgive.


My father left when I was maybe 5 or 6 years old. He said he would call and come get me. Yeah Yeah. After awhile he just stopped wouldn't hear from for months. So I was angry and hurt as a child. But still get my hopes up. Fast forward to my teenage years, haven't heard from him for years and he calls me on my cell phone.. How the hell did he get my number. Well my grandma gave him my number. That was rude. After that we didnt talk till I traveled to a funeral all the way across the country and he decided he was going to come to that. The one event in all the events over 10 years. I was nervous. I wanted nothing to do with him.. But here he is wanting to talk to me after I live on my own dont need anything from him anymore, trying to get to know me and be the father he was suppose to be. I waited till after the services and told him to fuck off he was just a sperm donor to me. He should have tried when I needed him and emotionally depended on him. I'm still hurt about it. I don't understand how people can be so forgiving on that kind of thing. But here I am pregnant, the father of my child flew to Florida (across the country) once I told him I was pregnant, he says he is going to come back a month before I'm due.. But who knows if that'll actually happen. Knowing both of us didnt have a dad in our lives, I really hope he comes back. I just hope that my daughter does not have to go thru what I went through.. I hope he comes into her life and stays in her life. But who knows. It'll be his loss if he chooses to not to.. Makes me sad to think about it.

This kind of turned into two stories, but I needed to get it off my chest I guess.