Did David (Jennelle's husband) deserve to be fired from Teen Mom for tweeting homophobic comments?


I know most of yall dont give a f about this but I like Teen Mom and thought that he was definitley being nasty. A lot of people in the comments were saying he shouldnt have been fired, and other people were saying they both should be kicked off the show. What do yall think? The article and tweets mentioned are below................................................................ It all began when a Twitter user suggested the MTV star limit the exposure of unnecessary weaponry around the house and "teach your children to be aware of their surroundings at school."

The message apparently hit a nerve with David who reportedly fired back in a reply.

"And just what makes you think you have the right to tell me how to be a parent? Because you think you know me? LMAO why don't you go tell the homo and transgender parents to start teaching their kids better morals?" he reportedly wrote. "Oh I forgot, that's supposed to be normal."

Another user chimed in asking, "Who are you to say what's normal or what's moral? Are you going to teach your children to hate gay and transgender people?"  

David reportedly responded, "No, I'm going to teach them not to associate with them or be that way…if you lay down with dogs you get up with fleas."

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