I don’t know what to do...

Hannah • Momma of 2 💗💙

Okay so first off, I have depression. Woo hoo. Anyways, I had a baby back in October most gorgeous little girl ever. But my husband and I have been pretty careful having sex. If we don’t use a condom he pulls out. But sometimes when he pulls out, he still has stuff on his junk and goes back in. And part of me really hopes that’s enough to get me pregnant again. I took a pregnancy test two days ago and it was negative. And I actually cried. But we wanted to wait a year and a half before trying again. But I can’t wait that long I want another little baby... we’re hoping for s not the next time around.

Also, I’ve been having tired spells which happened a lot before I found out I was having Natalie. Also I have been super nauseous 24/7. Which is what happened with nat. But I didn’t actually throw up until 6 weeks. I want to take another test closer to my period starting date. Which is in 8 days. Am I ridiculous for wanting another baby so soon???? 😭😭