TRIGGER WARNING: Strange Recurring Nightmares

I have these nightmares sometimes where I meet one of these men; there are three of them. I don’t meet them all in the same dream but when I meet one I remember the faces of the other two. I don’t know their names but in the dreams I recognize something about one of them, some feature that is unique to him and that reminds me of the past times I’ve seen him, when he sexually abused me. I always forget about these faces until I have another dream and I remember all the past dreams. Am I making sense? To my knowledge, I have never seen any of these three men in real life and even now I’ve already forgotten what two of them look like even though I had one of these dreams last night. I vaguely remember the third because he’s the one I saw last night. I remember his teeth because that was the feature I saw in the dream that made all the memories come back. They’re strange because they’re so small they almost look like baby teeth and some of them are crooked and they’re not brown but they have a brownish tint to them, like you can tell they will be brown one day. Anyway, all that happened in the dream last night was that I was in an elevator and I recognized his teeth and I said I remembered him and then he said he remembered me too and he talked about all the times he sexually abused me when I was younger. There were other people in the elevator but they got off on the next floor and then it was just me and him and he kept leering at me, smiling his creepy, baby-teeth smile. I guess it isn’t a very scary dream, but most of the dream was me remembering the abuse from all three men, like I was in two places at once in the dream: in the elevator with that man and in the past where I was abused. I’m already forgetting the elevator man’s face and I know I won’t remember it until I have another dream with one of the men in it. Has anyone else experienced something like this? I’m so confused by it. I suppose that at some point we were all too young to remember anything but I’m pretty sure I was never abused in real life. What could these dreams mean? I hope to one day be rid of them because I wake up from them literally paralyzed with fear and can’t go back to sleep no matter how early it is.