I feel like I'm losing my mind.

Two weeks ago I took a pregnancy and it came back positive. My boyfriend and I are in no way whatsoever ready for children and so we've decided to have an abortion. We went for the appointment the day after I found out and they said that they couldn't see anything in the ultrasound, and to go back in a few weeks. Our appointment is coming up soon and I'm honestly going to lose my mind. I just want to get this all over with already. My body feels like it's out of control and I've barley been able to sleep. I'm hoping that something shows in the scan and I can go through with the abortion. But I'm also hoping that nothing shows up in the scan or blood results and I turn out to not be pregnant.

Had anyone else felt this way??

It's affecting me big time, I have exams coming up and I've been way too out of it to even prepare and study for them.