So ready to just say f*** it!!!


My husband and I have been actively trying to conceive for about 4 years now and nothing not even anything to get my hopes up. We both have children from previous relationships mine are both teenagers and his is now 10 being the only children that either of us have ever created. The only thing I ever wanted with my husband is for us to be able to share a child together.

I was diagnosed with cervical cancer when I was 15 but at 16 and 19 I delivered two beautiful children so obviously as my doctor say that has nothing to do with it. What I can't figure out is if both of us have created children in the past why can't we do it now? I can't afford to pay for help since insurance doesn't cover such procedures however with the cancer the only thing my doctor is worried about is me having a hysterectomy as soon as possible while I'm worried about having a baby as soon as possible..... most frustrating situation of my life and I'm ready to quit