

So this guy that I’ve known for the past 2 1/2 years just hurt me. I was I believe 19 when I met him and he was 22. We had tried talking but working the week he started pressuring me for sex when I was a virgin at the time. I said no and he pretty much stopped talking to me. Then a couple months later we tried talking again & something would happen that it would just fall apart. He got a girlfriend & I got my first official boyfriend. This guy I had met him originally at my gym, he was the receptionist. So I would go to the gym with my boyfriend at the time & I would see him talk to his girlfriend at the time. Him & I we’re civil with each other. Once I had first started talking to my boyfriend at the time he did seem to get a little jealous. Called me once asking it I had any feelings for him and whatever. We moved on with our relationships, but he was the guy I just always had a thing for. My boyfriend broke up with me 6 months later & this guy got broken up with like a month later. He would always linger back even though he knew I wouldn’t give my virginity to him. In late 2017, we tried talking again then it fell through. In September we had a couple nights where we would talk while he worked overnight. (He’s a security officer.) And he invited me over to his house after he got off work at 5am. I went over knowing we were gonna mess around but not expecting to have sex, but we did & it was honestly my choice. He did not pressure me & was gentle. We did it and after he walked me out. I was not expecting what was to happen next. He later on texted me while I was at work to see how I was doing. From September and on I saw a side of him I had always wished to see. I got to know so much more about him. He was now 24 and I am 22. We would talk on the phone in the mornings after he switched to days. So he would call me around 8:30-9:30. And we would talk up until the time I had to go to work at 12. We communicated every single day for the next 5 months. We went to Horror nights l, we would go to dinner and movies & we even went to Disneyland during Christmas time. I was finally getting where I wanted with him, and we both didn’t put a title on us other than dating. He would pay for me every so often which I never asked for but was really surprising because years ago he would have never done that. We would hang out every time we both had the same day off. Little things here are there would happen but what two people don’t ? I’m a naturally giving person. I would buy him stuff because I wanted to. I got to a level with him I never thought was possible, he had really changed, he was more nature & had a different mindset which we both were on. He would tell me how lucky he was to have me. We met an older couple at a comedy show and we hit it off with them. Such nice people. The husband told him I was beautiful and what was about me that he liked ? He told him how I motivated him, supported him & told him how proud I was of him. Fast forward to valentines week. We spoke everyday even if it was little communication but we did. I went to Disneyland with friends the day before Valentine’s. On Valentine’s Day I did not hear from him at all. No usual call or text. I had his Valentine’s Day gift ready which I was so excited to give him. That day felt like the longest of my life, I spent almost all day crying. Next day he he snapped me singing our favorite song “Tennessee Whiskey” And I didn’t reply because I was still hurt. Friday morning he sends me a snap of him singing at work, & I don’t reply. He tries calling me later on that night and I didn’t answer. He then texts me saying “ Look idk if I did or done something but you not answering the phone makes me think something happened. It also makes me think you don’t want anything to happened. And if so please indicate you have received this message so we either pick up where we left off or move on.” I didn’t reply until Saturday saying “It just hurt my feelings I didn’t hear from you at all on Wednesday. Are you doing anything tonight?” He was not since then replied although he looks at my Instagram stories. I saw two days ago on his snapchat that he was at Santa Monica pier with some other girl. I was heart broken. And I still am. I have not reached out to him and neither has he. It’s an obvious sign to just leave him be. But I am so heartbroken. We had bonded over so many things, I miss his smile, his laugh, his voice. It’s crazy to me that someone I felt so safe with would have this happen with. What do I do if he ever tries to contact me? I’m not being crazy about it because I’m trying to be an adult in handling this. But damn does this hurt. I thought that maybe being steady for this long that this was our turning point, but here I am crying & broken. I don’t know what to do? Was it just some type of response of not knowing how to handle the situation? Any help on how to not make it hurt anymore? What do I do if he tries to come back? Thank you.