Is it worth getting over?


My close close closeeeee friend hurt me badly...and literally for the dumbest reason.

So we all heard about that sad and sickening shooting in Florida, and most people who have Snapchat probably saw that walk out Day chainmail thing as a way of protest for gun laws.

Well my friend wanted to do that and I said no, because as I do think it’s important, there’s better and more mature ways to protest. (Attests in my opinion) so she got pissed at me for saying no and we ended up getting in a fight over it . (Dumb as shit, I know. But she should respect my choice, as I did hers.)

So today, during 6th period, she and some kid named Alan were cracking some jokes, and one was about how Asians eat dogs. (I’m half asian, but I always joke about it and play along because that’s just how I am) and I went “wow, hurting my asian feels my dudes.” Because I’m just a sarcastic ass person, but she decided to take it serious.

The conversation is as follows:

Her: “why does it even offend you? It’s not like you’re actually involved in your culture.”

Me: “umm...what do you mean?”

Her: “you’re family is white, you don’t have anything to do with the culture or people”

Now I have a very messed up family, where my biological parents aren’t together. I live with my bio mom but my bio dad is no longer in the picture, but I do have a step dad (who is white) who I consider my actual dad.

And this friend, KNOWS THIS. She also knows that my mother tries very hard to keep me involved with the Hmong culture, and I do too.

So I was extremely hurt because she knows that it’s hard for me to hear things like that because my whole life I’ve always been told that I’m not asian because im too white or vice versa, and I dunno. Just stings that she would use an insecurity like that against me.

What do I do? I’m so torn. Is it worth trying to move past or not?