I Feel Useless...

I Mean 🤷🏾‍♀️ • don't spend your life being an asshole 😉

So the guy I'm dating works doing installations meanings he's always outdoors for the most part on the electrical pole and all of that. He's always saying he's cold and hungry and he's teaching me how to drive and I have my permit...but I don't have a car and also I currently don't have a job because we're moving and my mom doesn't want me finding a job in this area when we're moving to another (I'm 19 going on 20).

Today he told me his cousin came to visit him while he was doing installations and now she's getting him food and it made me feel...idk I wish I could do more for him. Like I feed him when we're chilling at my house. I've bought him food before, I'm positive and supportive, I tell him how much I appreciate him all the time and of course when we have sex i go all out. But I can't visit him. I can't take him food. Most I can do is text him while he's at work to keep him company and talk to him on the phone afterwards about his day. He's never once said I don't do enough for him, but I really feel that way. Even the fact that I can't go back to school because I owe my old school money and he wants to go back soon doesn't hinder him, but with that I also feel lesser for some reason. I know I'm doing all that I can, and actually sometimes he's the one telling me that I deserve better but sometimes I feel it's the other way around.

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