New guy don’t know what to do.....


Met this guy beginning off the semester. He came up to me we started talking, numbers were exchanged. We have been out on one date, to bars together with friends. We have hooked up but here’s the kicker .... we both have 18 credit hours in school, we both work 40 hrs a week on top of school, I don’t live on campus. But he just got out of a relationship a couple months ago and doesn’t want anything serious right now. I respect that. I understand you are only in college once and you want to enjoy it. But I am not like your crazy ex girlfriends. I dont need to see you everyday like they did. Is it bad I want the title but okay with what it is right now. Like The conversation has came up many times ( even when we are drinking). When he wakes up next to me he was like good morning babe and kisses me and honestly is my dream guy.

Should I stick around and see what happens or walk away?