What are the chances??

I was pregnant this time last year which ended in a MC and had all the same symptoms I am having now.


•back aches

•cravings for eggs



•very lucid dreams about babies and birth

•super high sex drive

•and extremely emotional

... I’ve taken 4 pregnancy tests all 2 days apart starting at 9dpo.. all were negative except the most recent I took (day AF was due) and I swear I see a very very very VERY faint line.. I’ll post below..

but AF was 2 days late when I suddenly started spotting light brown, but only when I wiped. That lasted for about an hour then stopped. I went to bed that night and woke up the next day with heavy bleeding. But not SUPER heavy.. That day I went though only 2 tampons and 1 pad and they weren’t even completely soaked.

Yesterday I only needed 3 pads throughout the day. And now this morning it seems to be A LOT lighter and back to the brown spotting.

Even with the bleeding a part of me still feels SO SO pregnant!

The appetite, back aches, nausea, lucid baby dreams, and mood swings has not subsided at all. Is there still a possibility? Have any of you mommas had a “period” and still ended up with a BFP?

Here is my test from day AF was due.