Jaundice help? Please!


My son’s bilirubin levels keep rising. We got discharged Sunday because he was born Friday and we’ve been back for blood every day since. Monday was 14.1. Tuesday 14.44. Yesterday 14.67. We have to go back today. I’ve been feeding him 2-3 oz bottles about every 2 hours. He poops often, just not that much when he does go. He sleeps a lot too. What can I expect as far as future doctor visits? I’m getting really worried and stressed out. I’m tired of seeing my little baby get his foot poked.. it bums me out that I have to keep taking him back and I can’t just have him to myself for now 😭 how long will it take for his levels to get to normal and what can I expect as far as possible treatments? I don’t want him to stay in the hospital again 😣