Diagnosed with Ureaplasma AFTER baby?

Taylor • First time Mom, married ❤ Baby girl born 12/18/17

Hello all,

Naturally I have researched and researched after being called with this diagnosis and my confusion/frustration only continues to grow.

I received my results from my cultures taken at my post partum check up and it appears I have Ureaplasma. An antibiotic was ordered and the recommendation my husband be treated was also made.

They were very vague on the phone as to what it is, and from what I've read it is a common thing that isn't tested for typically. Also from what I did read, it's sheer luck my daughter was born because apparently it causes infertility, miscarriages, low birth weight and premature birth. (My daughter was born healthy at 39 weeks 4 days weighing 7lbs9oz). I also have absolutely no symptoms, and neither does my husband which I've read it can be asymptomatic but develop issues down the road. He lost his virginity to me a little over 3 years ago and I don't question either of our faithfulness to each other. This is my first pregnancy, I've never had a miscarriage, and I don't frequently get UTIs. I did have one during pregnancy that was promptly treated with antibiotics and I had another one after delivery caused by (what I've been told) the catheter placed due to having an epidural.

Could it be a false positive? Is it something one of us could of given the other if we had sex while also having a UTI (something I've read)?