

My husband & myself tried for quite a while to have a baby after our daughter was born in July 2016. In 2017 starting in August we finally had gotten pregnant! Unfortunately we experienced three back to back miscarriages. We decided to take some time off and give it to God! We tried this month! Two days ago I was feeling really off and I had promised myself that I would not cave and test early! But I decided to do it at night very randomly and my WONDFO test strip with positive it was a faint line but it was positive. So that night I made my trip to Walmart and stocked up on the first signal pregnancy test they’re $.88 because let’s be honest they’re amazing and they’re super sensitive! Sure enough I got home took the test and it was positive! I was super shocked to see that the task lines were as strong as they were especially since I’ve been tracking and I was 4 days away from my period at the time. My period is due on Sunday but I know that it will not be coming! I am over the moon! God is so good! We will be calling on Monday to make our appointment!