Labor Prepping

Ashley • Mama to 3 ☺️

At 34 weeks, I’m now beginning the last minute labor preps. Here’s what I’m doing:

2-3 cups of red raspberry leaf tea daily

(I also like to brew with fresh rosehips and lavender, add a touch of lemon juice-so delicious)

1 pill of femdophilis (probiotic, probably not how it’s actually spelled)

3 1,000 mg pills of evening primrose oil daily (orally, may begin adding 1-2 vaginally at night as we get closer to due date)

Christopher’s herbal labor prep (take as directed on bottle beginning at 34 weeks)

Walking at least a few miles every day.

Bouncing on the birth ball 10-30 minutes a day.

I go up steps when I get the chance but quit going down. Now I take the elevator and ditched the heels for flats.

Oh yeah and don’t give up sex. It’s good for you.

If anyone has any other tips, let’s share!