If you don't date/sleep with someone because you aren't attracted to them does that make you a bigot?


I saw this while scrolling through Twitter as a reply to Blair white (trans youtuber) telling her followers about a recent upload of a video called, "If you don't fuck me, you're a bigot" were she talks about this new thing that has been popping up for a while where if you don't date a person for a certain reason it makes you a bigot, or ___phobic. example if you don't date a certain race you are racist to that group, of you don't date trans people you're transphobic, and bla bla bla. She takes the stance that "no that doesn't make you a bigot, (while some closed in may actually be literal bigots) that doesn't account for every person. Some people are attracted to certain attributes and others aren't" in her case her only I guess you could call it a preference is that she only dates biological men. that doesn't take her transphobic to other trans people, more does it make her sexist towards bio women. "Are gay men sexist for not dating women, no. Are hetero men homophobic for not dating other men, no. Are people that only date within their race, racist against everyone else." the answer is no obviously. while there are people in the world that will genuinely not date someone because they actualy hate a certain group of people I don't think every single person can be put into that same boat.

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