Senior Dog's


My sweet pug is 14 years today. She was my first baby and been the best dog. I still lived with my parents when I got her, so they grew attached and basically adopted her. When I got a house of my own, my parents weren't really up for me taking her permanently. So she basically became my parents dog and would come stay from time to time. My issue is her health is deteriorating and I don't think my parents will do anything about it. I feel like the poor dog is suffering. She can't walk, you have to carry her outside to go potty. She can barely stand, so you have to carry her to the water bowl. She can't control her bowels, so she constantly has accidents. She's picky about eating and you have to do certain things to her food in order for to eat, IF she feels like eating. Breaks my heart cuz I'm not sure how much longer she'll be around but I also feel like she's suffering. My mom is very attached to her and if I said she needs to be put down, she wouldn't. What would you do?