sex with my ex boyfriend

me and my ex boyfriend recently started talking again after 4 years apart. Hed been my best friend since I was 14 now 22 we dated for a short period of time moved on he got a girlfriend who hated me so we stopped talking for years. well I went to his house yesterday hes single now and we had sex 5 times! we didn't use a condom but I've been on birth control for 2 months I'm having cramps now the day after and low back pain. praying I'm in the clear. we wanted to work things out between us and he says he really wants to be with me and that he's always had feelings for me hes been saying such sweet amazing things to me and but suddenly i feel so weird now like I thought that's what I wanted but I suddenly don't know what I want anymore and I don't understand why I'm suddenly confused. I just needed to vent somewhere.