Angry Team Parenting Rant 😡


I seriously need to vent right now!

It’s 22:14 and I currently have my husband snoring and my daughter trying to wake up very slowly... only I said to my husband about half an hour ago, I’m fed up of doing all the feeds when he is home, could he please help me... his response was of course I can, when she wakes up I will do it...

He falls asleep instead and yet again... I’m left to do the feeds AGAIN! 2 feeds a day I ask him to do. 2! I don’t ask for the world. I do the rest of them, midnight ones, early morning & during the day! I don’t even ask him to change her nappy! Im sick to death of feeling like I do absolutely everything for her, I know I should but we’re meant to be a team! Meant to help one another out! I’m just so annoyed.

& On a selfish note, all the shops have Mother’s Day stuff in. It’s a special one this year as it’s my first!

My first Mother’s Day and I have this horrible gut feeling that he is going to forget the one thing I asked for... a card. I don’t want presents, flowers or anything like that.. I just want a card from my little girl 😍