My bean at 6w1day

Gina_Mum of 🧒👧👦👼👼🐕

First time in my life I’ve never felt so scared, happy and sad at one time. My doctor said I’d had miscarriage or baby was ectopic Tuesday night, I’d passed at 20c piece of pink blood and had been cramping since Sunday I said that’s it.... I was sent for an urgent scan and I had not slept Tuesday night I had googled ectopic/ miscarriage and I had all the signs low back pain, shoulder tip pains, stomach cramps like a period. Monday Nurse on Call sent me to ED at 6.00am within the next 6 hours and my husband said wait it out just see anything persisting at 3.00pm we will go. Tuesday he picks me up from work and I looked at him grimly and said I need to see my GP hence I received an urgent scan referral. Tuesday night he reassures me you’re a good Christian and the lord will decide for you it will be in his will what happens. And these things happen to women and if it does there’s nothing we can do. Day of the scan comes, mind you I slept 3 hours. I’m so nervous I’m even vomiting the water I drink prior to the scan. Appointment was at 2.10 I went in to the scan room at 2.30. At about 2.45.... the radiologist says Congratulations, there’s your womb there’s baby and there’s the heart rate bit low but ok for 6w1day your dr will keep an eye on it. And then he said next time if you’re so negative I’m gonna have to get you to shut up!!!! And here he or she no 1 due 16/10 and not 14/10 as internet had worked out. I felt like an alien on some other planet and not me on my walk home I looked to the heavens and I gave HIM up above a big Thank You and I just beamed all the way back.... appreciate the Lord in your pregnancy ladies he’s a miracle worker!