Late by 6 days?

Last Thursday I had (stupidly) unprotected sex with my boyfriend. It happens time to time I guess.

We are 90% sure that he didn’t cum inside of me, Yet theres always that chance.

I took the emergency pill last month and my period was almost a week late - I did read that it can alter your cycle too. I am currently 6 days late according to my calendar on here, but my last period started on the 25th last month.

Should I be worried at the minute? I have lost so much sleep this week stressing late at night- could this possibly be delaying it more?

I’m not feeling any of the symptoms of pregnancy, but nor am I feeling the symptoms of a period.

Is it too early for anything to show on a pregnancy test?

Please please help someone!!

Any help would be so appreciated!!! 💕😭