Need Past Experience

So my boyfriend and i were discussing our future and he let me know that he wants us to have kids within 3-5 years.

I’ve never thought about being pregnant at 23-25. I’ve always intended to have one at 30 and be done.

Is there anyone who had a partner with very different plans and it worked out?

Please don’t tell me to leave him just because we have different plans in regard to children, we’re being upfront and discussing it and I’m willing to accommodate his wishes and he’s willing to budge a little on his side as well.

Update: I figured out what I’m going to do. When we do talk about it, I’m going to have him price things out with me and show him why it’s not realistic. I don’t want to have a baby at 23 and force my child to struggle because I just got out of college. I remember the struggle meals of sleep, ramen noodles, and frijoles con arroz every night. I think this approach is practical and may appeal to him more (he’s an accounting major.)